joint praise and prayer

On Friday August 30, 2019, our next Cinder Ministry event will be a joint praise and prayer with Redeemer Chinese Evangelical Church, and Downsview Presbyterian Church. The joint praise and prayer will feature our ol' friend Eugenia Afolabi, who inspired us to look for ways to perform missions in our community earlier this year. The... Continue Reading →

guitar night

We're starting a new ministry to reach out to the community.  It's called Guitar Night.  What's it about? Specifically, some of our members who possess musical talent (so they say) and a love of music will volunteer their time and skills to teach anyone who wants to learn how to play acoustic guitar.  After... Continue Reading →

we’re baaaaaack…

Hi Everyone, After a short holiday hiatus, we'll be meeting again on February 24, 2019 at 1 p.m. for our first worship of the year. We weren't just sitting back and relaxing while we were away, no we've been busy planning the new year!  On February 24, we'll be starting our focus series on outreach.... Continue Reading →

share the perfect gift

What do you consider the perfect gift? The perfect gift is one that is given unconditionally, without reservation, and solely to the benefit of the receiver without any thought of reciprocity. This Christmas, join us as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to humankind some 2000 years ago in the town of Bethlehem. Together,... Continue Reading →

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